69105 end froshe Miic peanut o0oOf ball aR-14 were satting round i combination target and haspital and 69105 said "What the fuck are you doing here why weren't you arrested?" and he said "im magical u fukin idot'" 69105 stole pills from the hostpital for ladder and th3 booth goot into the frozen Mii peanut o sphere AK-47's honda oddesey but as the weer aboot 2 leaf a austriailn soccer mom cam running out of a target and screamed "that's me fukin' car mate now ye gonna die!" the froyo Wii penis o circle AK-47 tried shooting the aussi soccer mom but le boolets just bounced oof her... then a giant fukin russian nuke just cam outta da sky and putin wuz riding it. they all yelled "mama mia" and then that nook fuked up dem and dey all ded
what will haepen in next installment? is 69105 nazi? is gay? neehoy? Z U C C ?
"mama mia"